How to Find Us
CB24 4RS
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The Russett School is an 'all through' special academy based in the village of Weaverham, near Northwich in Cheshire.
What type of Special Educational Needs (SEN) does the Russett School cater for?
The Russett School is an Academy working in partnership with The Russett Learning Trust.
All children and young people at The Russett School have an Education Health & Care Plan (EHCP) which identifies either Severe Learning Difficulties (SLD) and/or Complex Learning needs. All pupils are aged between 2 to 19 years of age. Please see our SEN Information Report and our Admissions Policy within our Policy section for more information regarding admissions.
We are extremely proud of our school, our intent is to provide an outstanding education for all who attend The Russett. We value working together with all of our families to offer advice and support to achieve shared outcomes.
We are strong in our belief that all children and young people deserve only the very best. Our bespoke curriculum is delivered by a highly skilled and dedicated staff team. Enjoyment and motivation for learning is firmly situated at the heart of what we do, focusing on developing skills in confidence, character, individuality, independence, resilience and tolerance.
Our aims are;
- To provide outstanding educational opportunities through a personalised curriculum- cognition & learning, communication & interaction, mental health and wellbeing and physical & sensory needs
- To prepare our children and young people for the next stage of education and transition into adulthood
- To ensure that no pupil/young person leaves without a means to communicate
- To promote skills of independence for a happy and fulfilled future
Alternatively, if you would like to ask any further questions or have any queries regarding a visit to school, please contact our school office.
Mrs Emma Leach - Executive Headteacher
The Russett School is a specialist setting registered for pupils aged 2 to 19 years whose primary need is associated with having a Severe Learning Difficulty (also known as SLD) and/or Complex Learning Needs.
Our curriculum is bespoke. This means that is has been carefully designed specifically for learners who have SLD. It has been written to meet the varying needs of pupils who first and foremost have a severe impairment in relation to their cognitive function and or learning ability.
The Russett School also supports pupils who may have further needs in addition to their severe learning difficulty. For example; some of our pupils have severe communication and interaction needs.
Pupils at Russett undertake learning activities within classes in mixed ability groups of around 11-12 pupils with peers similar in age.
Class sizes are generally supported by 4 adult adults (one class teacher and three teaching assistants).
Our aims are;
Why work at Russett?
Our staff make a true difference to our pupils and their families. We are also one family and one team who care about our pupils, families and each other.
We seek to prepare our learners for life through prioritising skills required to meet their full potential. Through our specialised curriculum, our children and young people are empowered through a strong emphasis on the development of individual communication strategies.
Our Russett team provide enriching and safe environments, where our pupils are encouraged to develop independence, whilst promoting well-being for a happy and fulfilled future.
Our schools values were written by the whole community and are the foundation from which we grow and develop, enabling us to make a real difference to those lives we touch;
They are…
Community – Resilience – Wellbeing – Respect – Empowerment
Come and join our family!
Our Specialist settings cater for children and young people with a wide range of Specialist Educational Needs, including profound medical needs, sensory needs and emotional and mental health needs.
All the pupils within our Specialist settings have an individualised education and are educated in small classes and groups with enhanced support to ensure that all of their needs are met. There is nothing more rewarding than being part of a team that supports a child or young person with Specialist Educational Needs to reach their goals.
Teaching, support and operations rolls all provide a wonderful opportunity to work within an establishment that has a ‘family’ feel that puts the children, young people and their families at the heart of what they do. You truly will make a difference to the life of a young person and their family.
We are part of Shaw Education Trust.
We are a growing multi-academy trust which places high achievement at the heart of all we do. We lead and manage academies in all phases, all sectors and in all communities.
To find out more about Shaw Education Trust, please click here
How to Find Us
CB24 4RS